My Hand Painted Flower Pot People 1

September 22, 2013

A Graffiti Party

Sup yo?!?! 
 I just couldn't help myself when it came to joining in this fun filled challenge. 
 Both Make it Crafty, and Little Miss Muffet Stamps combined their awesomeness, and came up with an awesome new release.  Urban Graffiti gang... I honestly didn't think this was really my style... but after coloring these, I REALLY REALLY had a blast... I want MORE!

Anyway, They have set up a "Graffiti Party"  You can find out how to get a freebie pack, and join in with this fun party.  Just click on the link to the "Graffiti Party"

I've decided to create a Criminal Report flyer with this little scene. A little information about WHY I did what I did with my creation.

I've been doing some coloring, and practice coloring techniques, and have actually begun my own "Coloring Smash Book"  basically just for my own use, and for me to look through, and watch the progress, as well as "Colors Used" type of resource book.

THIS coloring project Definitely needs to go into that book.
So without altering the picture in any way, I decided to create my Criminal Report, with a space cut out for the photo.  This way I could temporarily attach my colored photo, and later remove it, to add it to my book.
(Pretty Smart Thinking huh?)
Welllllll.... anywho... 
This is what I've done with the Freebie Background, and my purchased Urban Keisha Digi.

Miss Keisha is in Deep Trouble Now!!!
Did you happen to notice what "last name" I've given Miss Keisha?
MiC stands for Make it Crafty... So her last name became "MiCrafty" LOL
Yeah Yeah I know... Lame, but funny!
I've used both Copic Markers and Prisma Color Pencils
So there you have it.... 
I truly had a blast working with this...
It's time for me to go over and enter it into the
Thanks for All the Fun!

1 comment:

  1. Fab graffiti card. Thanks for playing with us at Little Miss Muffet challenge.


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They always brighten my day!
xoxo - Lynda